
About MTA:RP

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Keeper of the Keys
Staff member
Server Owner
MTA:RP has been alive since 2012, where it mainly started as a joke..
The owner Overload was a former player of Valhalla MTA, and former Admin.

Overload went on with some of his friends to make a new server called Vedic Gaming, and Eventually merged with Cylus Gaming before completely shutting down.. Overload had no intention of continuing with MTA, and was bored one day so he put up a Exact replica of Valhalla scripts named "Walhalla Gaming MTA" as a joke.
That server received a lot of interest, and the players continued to come back. So we rebranded as MTA Roleplay.

Through ups and downs, and many helpers and mangers.. We are still standing today!
We invite you to give us a try :)
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