
Adding 2 fire truck mods to mod loader


New Suggestion/Idea

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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
- So for those of us in SAES, the stock fire trucks are a little boring, especially the "firela" model, with its unrealistic swaying ladder. I've found a low-poly mod pack that includes low-poly vehicle replacements for the police and fire services. I know there are already some PD vehicle mods, but no fire vehicle mods, so it might be a nice addition

Would look a lot nicer, and it would be totally optional if you want to use it, so if people lag, they just don't use the mod

If any

Does it require scripting?
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[ ] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.
[X] I'm not sure

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
- I could very easily provide the mod files to whoever is in charge of adding them to the server, no problem

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
- Would make the fire department vehicles look a loooot nicer

Additional information:



actually there are 2 key differences, first with the ladder. Its extremely annoying the way the stock ladder sways back and forth. And second, they both have better 360 degree LED coverage. They have lights mounted in the corner of the bumpers, and above the wheel wells.

And as for your saying they hardly look different, what about the tow truck mod? It doesn't look any different than the stock except for a few light changes. You saying we shouldn't have it either?


MTA:RP Forum Legend
I wouldn't mind mods for the vehicles, since everyone else gets them, but these don't look like the best models.

Also, wrong area. Vehicle mods can be talked about in modification area.