
Admins, and their performance

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First off, this isn't some rant, but rather a slight heads up from a rather frustrated member of this community. So, lately if anyone else hasn't noticed it seems admins are getting lazy or simply being AFK for numerous hours whilst on duty. There's no point for you to go on duty and just be AFK, it just makes matters worse and complicated. Today there were four online and on-duty admins, I reported and PMed all of them for a help with a simple task.. But all of them either ignored me or continued to go AFK or whatever. It's extremely tedious and annoying to be in game and ask for simple assistance and not get it. I understand you might be handling other stuff, but does it really take that much to me a /ann or even /ooc, and or PM the player. Seriously, get your guys' acts together, cause it's a nuisance to have to make this post, but it seems that it's necessary at this point I may sound a bit aggresive, but you have to see where I'm coming from. I come to have fun, and when admins make it more aggravated and complicated than it seems, it all ends up with a frustrated player.

Before all of you come all defensive, try to actually take something from this post and take the given point, rather than take it as an attack. If you not capable or unable to handle the admin position, then simply give it up to those who can. Seriously.

EDIT: It also doesn't do much when the only admins online are both off duty, either.. Seriously, common sense. IF you're AFK, hit f10 and chill out at the character selection screen until you return!
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I know your probably mad because every time you /report the admins are not fast enough to handle your report, but remember we have only a hand full of admins on at a certain times. Which means that some reports may expire before it gets handled. But i would like point out that this is not the proper section for this and if you would like to be truly heard, please follow this LINK otherwise thread locked.
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