
Gate Request Template

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I made an edited version of the new rules of gates; hence they will start being rp'ly made by Wash company.

Gates are going to be done by MTA|Legend, the cost of one (1) Gate is 250 VIP Hours - If you made the gate yourself it will be 200 VIP hours.
If you already have an existing Gate and would like to move it, the fee would be 100 VIP Hours per Gate that you want moved, to get a password changed it is Also 100 VIP Hours per Gate.
To change ownership of the Gate, or Gates, the cost is also 100 VIP Hours this avoids people having un-used Gates.
If you've made the Gate Script yourself, or want a password changed or the command changed or anything like that above; please don't be hesitant to add me on Skype @"dominique.sherwood" or send a Forum PM to me!
Note: You will still be able to pay with V-Points if you still possess any, just take one zero from the prices above.

Once you've read all that, let's begin!

Application Template:
Thread Name :
[ New Gate / Move Gate / Existing Gate ] [ Account Name ] [ Gate Request ]

In game number (The Character you want the gate on)
Account Name :
Current VIP Points/Hours :
Note: You can buy VIP Points/Hours using the F5 menu In-Game but you will need to have them before the Gate is put into the Server.

Gate Type [ Personal OR Faction ] 
(IF Faction) Faction Name :
(IF Personal) Security type [ Password, Custom Command, House/Business Key ] :

If you would like a Password or Custom Command, IF you don't want others to know it, you will need to either tell me the Password / Custom Command via Skype/PM.

Screenshot of the location where you'd like to have it :

You can go to the Map Editor and place the Gates where you would like to have them.
You can find the .map file in MTA Directory/Server/Mods/Deathmatch/Resources/*Name of your map.*
Please post the code below :

Anything you would like to add? :

Are you paying by VIP Points/Hours or by vPoints? :
Once your Gate Request has been completed, the VIP Hours / vPoints will be taken from your account ASAP, then when that is complete the Gates will be added In-Game.

The Gates are NOT refundable, if you request a Gate and want it removed on a later date, you can not request VIP Hours or vPoints back.

Have fun!
- MTA|Legend


The fuck was the point of that, I just made one like a week ago.
Legit all you did was copy mine and CTRL+F eLst and replace with MTA|Legend.


If you can read it say's "edited version of the new rules of gates". . . . So please calm your britches!
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