
Ideas to increase RP level on the server


New Member
Hello. I have a few ideas to increase RP level on the server.

  • Set default walking style on walking, not running (At the moment on the server, when you use W - a character starts running. Scripter should set in code, that when you use W, a character starts WALKING, NOT RUNNING. When you want to start running, just tap a space button. We know, that we cannot run 24/7 without pause. So, if person would run without RPing a tiredness and admin would see this - a runner would get jailed)
    A simple example of RPing a pause:

    * Joe Alvarez bends on kness and wipes the sweat from his forehead
    * Joe Alvarez takes a few breaths, then stands up and continues running.

  • Increasing prices in shops
  • Deleting Pay&Sprays and making cars workshops
  • You can fill up so much fuel you want.
  • When we call to somebody, we don't see his name on IC chat while talking.
     *Joe Alvarez's Phone starts to ring.
    Your phone #689601 is ringing. The display shows '#40965' (( /pickup to answer ))
    You picked up the phone. (( /p to talk ))
     *Joe Alvarez takes out a cell phone.
     *Joe Alvarez answers their cellphone.
    [English] ((Vaino Paju)) [Cellphone]: ((hai am i famous now?))
    [English] You [Cellphone]: ((Yes, you are))
     *Joe Alvarez hangs up their phone.
    My idea:
     *Joe Alvarez's Phone starts to ring.
    Your phone #689601 is ringing. The display shows '#40965' (( /pickup to answer ))
    You picked up the phone. (( /p to talk ))
     *Joe Alvarez takes out a cell phone.
     *Joe Alvarez answers their cellphone.
    [English] #40965 [Cellphone]: ((hai am i famous now?))
    [English] You [Cellphone]: ((Yes, you are))
     *Joe Alvarez hangs up their phone.
    (Thanks to Vaino :p)
    - Virtual City Buses
    We're going on bus stop, clicking m/i, right click on the bus stop and we can select in menu where we want to get. Then, we're teleporting there. It takes so much time, how far the place is. (for ex. from Spawn to Idlewood, about 1 minute). It also costs so much money, how far the place is.

    After selecting a place we want to go, on the IC chat appears (for a person who are close to us):

    * A bus has arrived *
    * Joe Alvarez gets in the bus and goes away

Skipping this that, the server's economy looks like Dubai, I think that it should increase RP level and a game would get more interesting :)
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Set default walking style on walking, not running (I mean, that when we tap W - a character walk, not run - when we want to character run - we're tapping space. We know, that we cannot run 24/7 without pause. So, if person would run without RPing a tiredness and admin would see this - a runner would get jailed)
Didn't understand.

Increasing a prices in shops
Already overpriced.

Making more jobs that we can take in the City Hall
All jobs are non-RP as nobody RP's in the jobs so it doesn't increase RP level on the server.
However if these jobs were removed and instead were factions it would be more RP, though the playerbase is not high enough for this to be active.

When we call somebody, we don't see his name on IC chat while talking.
I totally agree with this, and this should be added straight away. However if you have a contact added, the name you add them as would show up when they talk.
The so called "scripters" should make this straight away as it's simple as hell to make.

Virtual City Buses
We're going on bus stop, clicking m/i, right click on the bus stop and we can select in menu where we want to get. Then, we're teleporting there. It takes so much time, how far the place is. (for ex. from Spawn to Idlewood, about 1 minute). It also costs so much money, how far the place is.
Does not increase the RP level, it decreases it. No more bus driving RP at all.

Really liked the cellphone idea, really hated the other ones.


New Member
Jemo said:
Set default walking style on walking, not running (I mean, that when we tap W - a character walk, not run - when we want to character run - we're tapping space. We know, that we cannot run 24/7 without pause. So, if person would run without RPing a tiredness and admin would see this - a runner would get jailed)

At the moment on the server, when you use W - a character starts running. Scripter should set in code, that when you use W, a character starts WALKING, NOT RUNNING. When you want to start running, just tap a space button.

Jockeyzz said:
Does not increase the RP level, it decreases it. No more bus driving RP at all.

For example, there is a new player and wants to get somewhere. He must alone walk through map and look for places he wants. It would be better for him.

I've deleted an idea with new jobs in the city hall - you're right.
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Banned User
" When we call to somebody, we don't see his name on IC chat while talking. "

+1 Totally agree.


New Member
[*]Set default walking style on walking, not running (At the moment on the server, when you use W - a character starts running. Scripter should set in code, that when you use W, a character starts WALKING, NOT RUNNING. When you want to start running, just tap a space button. We know, that we cannot run 24/7 without pause. So, if person would run without RPing a tiredness and admin would see this - a runner would get jailed)

An easy way around that is a stamina system, which imo would make much more sense, plus easier to do.

[*]Increasing prices in shops

Not so keen, to be honest. Makes it harder on the newer players to start out when everything is already really expensive in all fairness. Instead; something should be done regarding those with ridiculous amounts of money, along side some kind of economy reform?

[*]Deleting Pay&Sprays and making cars workshops

Would require people to actually be stable, active, and RP it. Not quite so sure that's do able with a 30-40 player base myself. Though I like the idea.

[*]When we call to somebody, we don't see his name on IC chat while talking.

Not quite so keen, in all honesty. I mean, you call someone, you might recognize the name. If you RP it properly you can use the OOC name there as info as to how their voice would be, unless they state they're RPing it different etc.

- Virtual City Buses
We're going on bus stop, clicking m/i, right click on the bus stop and we can select in menu where we want to get. Then, we're teleporting there. It takes so much time, how far the place is. (for ex. from Spawn to Idlewood, about 1 minute). It also costs so much money, how far the place is.

Also, not quite so keen on this, to be fair. Especially considering everyone seems to have a car (if not more than one car in most cases). I feel like it'd be a waste of a feature.


New Member
SarahLore said:
Would require people to actually be stable, active, and RP it. Not quite so sure that's do able with a 30-40 player base myself. Though I like the idea.

I have played on the polish roleplay server. There were 40 people and always in one, if not in second workshop was a worker. :)


2012 *******
Just would like to see more people taking taxi's or busses. That'd be awesome. Which brings me to higher prices in dealerships. If you want to increase the usage of public transport, you have to increase prices in dealerships, to kinda ''Force'' them to take the bus, or hail a taxi. I see some potential in the increasing of prices.


New Member
Thank you, OMG Someone understands the struggle. Damn i mean we all were noobs at a point.

We can do better at helping them, but we don't give them a chance. It needs to be scripted in so there are proper guides shown. I do mean ones where it's been ensured grammar is perfected.