
[ Move Gate (new object)] [michael_johnson] [Gate Request]


<br /><b><span style="color:#129FB5;"t>MTA Mapping
Account Name :michael_johnson
Current VIP hours:~8000

Gate Type [ Personal OR Faction ]
(IF Faction) Faction Name :
(IF Personal) Security type [ Password, Custom Command, House/Business Key ] :personal password (PM me on skype for password [buckeyesdb] )

Screenshot of the location where you'd like to have it : I have a few because this gate is slightly complicated.

You can go to the Map Editor and place the Gates where you would like to have them.
You can find the .map file in MTA Directory/Server/Mods/Deathmatch/Resources/*Name of your map.*
Please post the code below : This is only one of three items
<object id="object (Gs_BOOKCASE) (1)" interior="5" alpha="255" doublesided="false" model="14455" scale="1" dimension="0" posX="1260.69995" posY="-801.29999" posZ="1084.69995" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"></object>

Anything you would like to add? : This gate is a little complicated due to the object. The object has no rear texture so it is see through: mta-screen_2013-08-06_01-51-11.jpgmta-screen_2013-08-06_01-51-25.jpgmta-screen_2013-08-06_01-51-51.jpgmta-screen_2013-08-06_01-57-50.jpgmta-screen_2013-08-06_01-57-53.jpgTo fix it, you will need to have the sportswall object behind it for the otherside. In total, the gate is 3 objects. The bookshelf, the wall facing the outside (so you cant see through gaps), and the inside of the room sportswall. All three items need to slide to the side to open up the doorway. I completely understand if this is going to cost more VIP. It is in my house obviously so I need it in the certain interior. I already own the gate that is at Uni-tel, which I had added. I want this to replace that one. Thank you!

Here is the /getpos infront of the door (on the server, so its the correct interior world and dimension):
Position: 1262.3271484375, -805.66796875, 1084.0078125
Rotation: 43.514770507813
Dimension: 1983
Interior: 5

Are you paying by vPoints or VIP Hours? : VIP

If you can get this looking pretty and it works fine, I will love you forever :)