
Suggestion - Driveby From the driver seat

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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
- Editing the drive by script
I recommend editing the drive by script to allow drivers of vehicles to fire weapons, of course we will have rules about this obviously. You arent going to be shooting a M4 while using your NRG or sultan, obviously when using a car you'd have to stop, and lower your window to take some pot shots are your targets this would just go for two handed weapons, one handed weapons can be used at low-med speeds while driving. (using GTA IV For example, you can drive and shoot as the driver, but it takes precision and agility in order to concentrate on shooting and driving so you dont smash into someone/something) I honestly dont see why this was never added before, as it would be pretty useful for those who dont have any buddy to shoot for them in a drive by. I know some may argue against this but try watching some gameplay of GTA IV and GTA V, or even try it yourself if you have the game, its all on your timing to concentrate and shoot, but if you're going to look behind and fire some pot shots while going 100km/h+ I'd say you're digging your own grave.

- Loners with no friends can finally shoot up their opponents without having to find a friend
- More Gang rp? idk

If any
- Possible non-rp? (someone firing a Ak47 from a nrg lol?)
- Someone may not RP the procedure of a drive by

Does it require scripting?
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[ ] No.
[ X ] Yes, I have the script.
[ X ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
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Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
- RP, duh

Additional information:
+1 vote = 1 prayer for those who get ck'd because they have no friend to shoot for them


MTA:RP Forum Legend
I think this will be abused a lot. Now the noobs don't even need a passenger they can shoot and drive. I think you have good intention with the script but i doubt everyone will. Neutrall.
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