
Suggestion - Money loan contract.


Server Supervisor
Staff member
Server Supervisor
-1 A Faction Already does this... in fact im in the faction... it is called Union Banking & Depository its on Olympic Boulevard near Santa Marina Beach

Okay.. but this would help you..???? lmao #logic?


I completely support this +1


Server Supervisor
Staff member
Server Supervisor
I see problems with this. I've thought about it before but never really came up with ways to deal with the possible exploitations of this. There's problems such as if people
stat transferring the money, gives it to another player and then stops using the alt with the loan, etc. A possible way to fix this is if we have a check of inactive alts and if they have a loan and went inactive on that alt they will be strictly punished. Give me some time to think of every way it could be exploited and then make up a way to enforce all of them, then I suppose this can be made.
Any typos is due to me writing on my phone btw.