
[SUGGESTION] Rules being set to F1 in game

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Some of us know that the rules can be found on the forums here. However i think that it's not fully clear what the exact rules are. F1 in game covers up the basics of those rules but on our forums we got more rules. We don't force anyone to go on our website even tho' it's their responsibility to check them out. Perhaps we should move/update the current F1 rules in game so we can also link people to those rules easy if they misbehave and get jailed.

- People could understand the rules way easier.
- There could be less QQ as it's possible to show the rules with one click (F1)
- New starting person can see all of our rules with one simple click.
- No more confusion between where the rules are.
- Easy to update/re-add new rules.
- We could forcefully let everyone read those rules when they log in for one time. (Let it pop-up)

If any

I don't think there's any disadvantage.

Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[ X ] No, unless we want to force read popup to.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
It can simply be adjusted with the current script.

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
Easier to understand for everyone what the rules are.

Additional information:
Anyone can update those rules if given the LUA script. Only someone with FTP can apply it (or with whatever system we work atm)
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