
Ventrilo Binds - How to do them


<b><span style="color:#007AA3">Alvin Drako</span><
So I thought I'd take my time to explain in details how to make binds, especially used for police departments for communication throughout the different channels. This guide will go deep into the details, with detailed and marked pictures for everybody to follow it.

Let's get started.
The first thing you would want to do, is locate the "Bindings" category in your ventrilo window, marked with a red circle.
When you have done that, press the arrow (>), marked with a green circle.


When you have clicked the arrow, a new window should pop up, showing following:


Click the "New" button marked with a red circle.

Once again, a new window pops up. Simply call the bind whatever your want. I prefer to call it "Central" as in "Central Bind".


Now that you have named your bind, let's make it work by clicking "Add" in the bottom of the last window:


This should open a new window. Choose the option "PTT Advanced" (marked with a green circle).
Now choose your hotkey. Your hotkey should be something easily accesable, such as the button on the side of your mouse (if you have an advanced mouse). Make sure the key is not bound to anything IG, as you will be using the bind alot. The hotkey bar is marked with red circle.


This should open once again another window, where you would need to choose the option "Channel and all Sub-Channels" (marked with a red circle), and then press the three dots (...) (marked with a green circle.)


This should open yet another window, where you need to find the channel you would want to talk to. In case you're with the State Police, you would obviously choose the "Radio Frequencies" channel. You would only need to choose the main channel, not all the sub channels as you chose the option "Channel and all sub-channels". Red, green, yellow. To be able to talk in the channel(s), it will still require for you to enter the password atleast once by entering the channel manually. When you have added your channel(s), simply press "Ok" untill your out at the main Ventrilo window.


To make sure your bind is activated, make sure to select it at the dropdown box in the top where it says "Bindings"


That's it, you now have a bind for Ventrilo! Don't use it for trolling or nothing!

Have a nice day.