
A Guide to Death & Character Kills


New Member
There are a lot of people getting shot in Los Santos, sooner or later you are going to be either doing the shooting or the unfortunate soul at the wrong end of the gun.

What happens when you reach 0 HP?

When you are "killed" by another player you respawn at the hospital. You are charged medical fees and sent on your way. Since your character is still alive and well you do not have to RP that they are a different person but you should RP injuries for a while.

This opens up the problem of revenge killing and an endless cycle of violence. To combat this, whenever a player respawns at the hospital they MUST RP memory loss of the events leading up to their death; that means the people involved, the situation immediately before it and the location of where the death happened.

Character Kills

The only time a character really dies is when they are character killed. To CK another player you must have a strong role play reason for wanting them dead.

When you are CKed your character is killed (you are unable to select them at the character selection screen) and you will lose any assets and money on that character. You are not allowed to transfer anything from the CKed character to another character unless you have a stat transfer.

In the event of a life imprisonment CK your character will be jailed indefinitely (not killed) and any assets will be seized by the PD. You can still log into the character but you are confined to the jail / prison.

CK Rules
You need either the targets agreement to CK their character or, if the target doesn't agree or you don't want them to know about it, you need a Lead or Head admin's approval. In the case of admin approval you must send a detailed explanation of the reasons for the CK through forum PM to a Lead or Head admin complete with screen shots.
Once the application has been approved you must PM an admin, who is not involved in the situation or faction, when you plan to carry it out. They will spectate to make sure everything is fair. If there are no admins available you can instead screenshot the entire event and we can /ck the target retrospectively. Be aware that in the case of screenshots there is a chance you may be asked to do it again.
You must RP the CK but that does not mean the target has to be involved all the way. For example you RPing buying and setting up a sniper rifle would be RP but the target would not know about it until they are shot. This is fine. However just running up to them and shooting them would not be okay, as it would make the law enforcers a lot easier for you to got arrested.
The law enforcement agencies (LSPD - SPD) can apply for a life imprisonment CK. Which means, you will get a jail, indefinitley. In order to do this, PD/SPD either make the one who is getting CKed accept it, or else go to the First Court of San Andreas, and present a case.