
Adaptive pay for the car tax (and property tax too)


<b><span style="color:#FF0000;"t>OfficialNub</b><b
New Suggestion/Idea

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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
-Let's just talk up straight. I hate that my car takes 900$ of my payday, and after all taxes i get ~200$. I'm not an millionaire which earns 30k per hour and get's all done with it. BUT just for the test I wanted to suggest this
So, maybe the car taxes (why not all of them) would conform with the money what you have in bank. So everyone running bit low money can have two cars and still earn more than ten bucks per hour. But just like it would still max out like to 1k per car in taxes.

More starter-friendly taxes, and getting more help to catch up the servers economy.

If any

Does it require scripting?
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[X] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
-It can be hard. I don't know, not a big scripter myself

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
- More new character friendly maybe?

Additional information:
-I suck at english and explaining, and PLZ all the rich guys, don't just ignore


Server Supervisor
Staff member
Server Supervisor
You're still getting that money for literally nothing I'm presuming you're not in any legal or gov faction ofc


MTA:RP Forum Legend
A bit unrealistic.

Tax for vehicles and properties is 0.80% of the price you bought it for. Here is the

1. Look at your budget
2. Dont frivolously spend cuz' you're poor as Zimbabwe.
3. Buy a cheap or the cheapest vehicle
4. (Optional, but recommended) Buy a calculator from IGS and calculate all taxes that will happen on payday.

Income tax 0.25%
Vehicle Tax 0.80%
Property Tax 0.80%
Rent (Whatever the rent price is)

4. (Optional) Rent an apartment.