
Application Status Changes!


The real MVP

Applications Opened!

Hello everybody, I am here to briefly announce the new status's of our Staff Applications:

Gamemaster Applications: Opened

Admin Applications: Opened

Be sure to check the requirements before you reply to either, we will be posting a announcement on all that made it past this stage later on this month.

Thanks for staying with us during the drop in player base, We have change the IGS rule and brought Drive-By's back! We may or may not be experimenting with bring back a MC server of some sorts to MTA:RP. We will see how that goes later on.



The real MVP
Just a thing I forgot to mention, and didn't add to the application until just now. PM me if you want your application to be considered for GM if you are denied.
Good luck to all who are applying!!! Although being part of the staff team will be busy, you'll feel good about helping peoplez