
Change to server name


New Suggestion/Idea

What does it affect?
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[ ] MTA:RP Gameplay
[ ] User Interface
[ ] MTA:RP Forums
[ ] UCP
[ ] Only MTA:RP Staff (Administration Tools)
[ X ] Other _______________

Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
- so, from what I've read, many people believe due to incidents in the past, MTA:RP may or may not have a negative reputation. I myself think the current server name isn't descriptive enough. Is the server just hosting roleplay in ALL of san andreas? If you ask active players, they'll tell you we are currently based in Red County. What I am suggesting is changing the name from "MTA:RP" to "Red County:RP"

with the server being called "Red County:RP" when people are browsing the server list in their client, they'll see that its based in Red County, and think "hmmm, this is different"

If any
it may take current players a bit of getting used to to refer to the server with its new name

Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[ X ] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
- Get overload to approve it?

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
- would hopefully remove some of the percieved negative reputation of the server, and pique interest from casual server list browsers

Additional information:


New Member
Big -1, doing so will show we are giving up as MTA:RP which we've been for years and would most likely confuse most. Also if you didn't know already there is a server in SAMP named that.