Open to any public safety employee, or private security company
This course will certify you as an emergency vehicle operator. You will learn standard driving techniques, as well as high-speed precision driving, in varying conditions. You will learn how to operate various vehicles safely in poor weather, decreased visibility, and under stressful and dangerous conditions.
Individual 1-on-1 training is available. If you are in the law enforcement field, your training will include proper pursuit operations, proper use of the "Pursuit Intervention Technique" (Pit maneuver), as well as tactical response techniques. If you are in the fire service field, your training will include operating fire apparatuses in confined spaces, operating vehicles in hazardous situations, safely reversing larger vehicles, proper apparatus placement for vehicle blocking, among other things. For those in the private security field, your training will vary
This training program is offered by a Federally Certified EVOC instructor, and it is not mandatory, but it will be very benificial to anyone in the emergency responders or private security field.
Upon completion, participants will be given a EVOC certificate, issued pursuant to the Federal DHS
The course will be held on the second Saturday of every month. Participants can register with Fire Lieutenant Jason Texoza