
I'm Kinda coming (Gundi)


New Member
Well hello there I'm Gundi.

Long story short, I played in a famous server, (closed since years) with a low roleplay level, few years ago.
I was admin there ( even if I knew almost nothing about roleplay)

Then I made my own server with a guy that I met on mta. ( Overload used to come there a bit to troll around ( yeah it was before mta:rp :p ))
It was a huge fail.

A couple of years later, I joined an other famous server, with a pretty high roleplay level. There I learned how to really roleplay. I used to map a lot for this server.
Then the server closed too.

I'm not going to give server's name but my famous characters were Jack White and Barney Strobe.

So I'm here for a fresh new start, hope that I will meet great people here! Can't wait to see the quality of this community ;)

Kiss Kiss and RocknRoll, I'm out,