San Andreas Police Department
"Servitio, integritate superbia"
Today, April 8th, 2013, the Los Santos Police Department has joined with the San Andreas Police Department. Together, these two departments have created one of the largest government bodies recorded in our cities long and hard history. It's hoped that with the new acquisitions that both teamwork and ability will be superbly increased, providing you, the citizens, with an even faster response time, with an even greater show of force to help combat the growing crime rate.
We will be here, still, stronger than ever. Reforms will be rolled out throughout this week, and the departmental problems as well as complaints against both departments will be dealt with swiftly and conspicuously. We're here to serve and protect you, nothing more.
Commissioner: Brian Beatty
Deputy Commissioner: John Lancaster
Commissioner Beatty, Brian.
San Andreas Police Department
"Salute, Service, et Security - Safety, Service, and Security"