
Mid September - Staff Update


Keeper of the Keys
Staff member
Server Owner
It is time for our Mid September update!

Support Staff Applications will remain OPEN as we feel we could use a little more help other than the ones we picked. Please remember, If you applied during this round, Please do not submit another application for 30 days. (you may apply Once per 30 days)

New Support Staff Members:

Staff Promotion/Demotions will happen at the end of the month..


New Member
If retards like these keep getting picked, it's not going to be long before Don Diesel gets picked.

John Falcone

New Member
What I don't get is that almost every Admin application depends on how many hours you have on the server. Why does it matter how many hours on the server you have played? Hours don't have anything to do with Admin. I have 18 hours on the server. I didn't get accepted because I don't have 200 hours which is stupid and pointless. Don't depend on the hours.


What I don't get is that almost every Admin application depends on how many hours you have on the server. Why does it matter how many hours on the server you have played? Hours don't have anything to do with Admin. I have 18 hours on the server. I didn't get accepted because I don't have 200 hours which is stupid and pointless. Don't depend on the hours.
They want to know you're dedicated to the server. Why would they choose someone who's only played on the server for less than a collective day?


What I don't get is that almost every Admin application depends on how many hours you have on the server. Why does it matter how many hours on the server you have played? Hours don't have anything to do with Admin. I have 18 hours on the server. I didn't get accepted because I don't have 200 hours which is stupid and pointless. Don't depend on the hours.

Its actually not all about the hours, That just a side rule, Ultimately it comes down to whether or not the existing admins like you or not, So basically if ya wanna become an admin just lick all admin ass.


Keeper of the Keys
Staff member
Server Owner
If retards like these keep getting picked, it's not going to be long before Don Diesel gets picked.

Its funny, These "retards" are the only ones who can manage to follow the rules we set forth. The number one reason for someone being denied is the fact that they cant go 2 months without being Jailed, Warned, or Banned.
Actually, That was your reason as well.

John Falcone

New Member
The only rule that's stupid is 200 hours. It should be lowered to 30 and above. I'm not going to waste my time getting 200 hours that will take months to get.


The only rule that's stupid is 200 hours. It should be lowered to 30 and above. I'm not going to waste my time getting 200 hours that will take months to get.

Then you're only here to get into staff, not going to happen if you put no effort in playing here, there's a reason of why it's 200 hours so the admins can see if you're dedicated to this server.


That there like Delicious said is a way of makn' sure people are not lookn' only for staff membership. MTA: Roleplay don't need people that are only here for adminship.


The only rule that's stupid is 200 hours. It should be lowered to 30 and above. I'm not going to waste my time getting 200 hours that will take months to get.

The hours do not sometimes matter, I have slightly less than 200 hours myself and I was able to become server support, it is just a rough guide and sometimes good things will happen. BUT it is more likely based on catching admins eyes for the good reasons, such as good RP, understanding the server and it's processes and rules.

I'm sure if you were denied it could be that you had a massive gap between you're hours and the rough requirement of 200 hours or just did not get noticed ingame that much by other admins or the admins that matter.

If you didn't apply, then my advice is to apply, at the end of the day they can only say "sorry but we don't think so this time" and move on and keep RP'ing and one day you never know in the future if you will get picked.