
Police CK apps - why is this allowed?


New Member
Is seems that police are able to pull CK apps from no-where regarding players, this does not seem a sensible thing to be able to have happen. And as a player who has had happen to, enrages me to the point of making this forum thread, which I don't mind doing.

Whenever a cop goes: (( RP )), they are ordering you to roleplay, when the only thing they seem to care about roleplaying, is arresting you. Even when they crash into a tree, sign-post - or even yourself. It seems they use the 'special bumper' excuse a little too much, and as my other forum threat about corruption says - this is top quality material for police corruption. This corruption NEEDS to stop, the server needs it, and the community does too. It'd be nice to see new players swarming in for a change, but they don't - as they receive little help, OR they are subject to abuse.

If you don't want to do anything about it, do nothing. The less players that want to play here means less potential donations, partial to that, no money, no server, no service. So, as a concerned player regarding this issue it would be nice to have some backing against this rueful stance of players being above the (corrupt) law, and also to stop the metagaming, and powergaming.

Any others who has experienced this, feel free to post below. Include screenshots if possible and names, we love names.

Here is a picture of a cop wanting to find a gun, using OOC information IC - fortunately he is turned down.



  • Can I rp at least finding a gun.jpg
    Can I rp at least finding a gun.jpg
    21.2 KB · Views: 5
Like I replied in your previous thread, we got a corruption rule, so that means that the "corruption" you are stating is minimal and most likely breaking the server rules.
As of regarding the police chases. It often seems like a mix of 'refusal to RP' to 'non-RP crashes'. The problem here is that we cen't simply monitor every person to see if they are RPing injuries or not. Yes RP wise the police has got slight improved ratings because of this bumper. Yes this does not mean that they must RAM you. As I have seen in the last few days, I have seen police officers leaning out of the window, shooting people because of suspects evading. I see them ramming into cars without RPing anything and forcing to RP, etc.

The problem is that we get a lot of reports about people not RPing injuries, and it all brings everything up to an OOC fest. Remember that this is also a GAME, The police doesn't RP injuries? Then why should you RP injuries? This is not how it's put together. You crash into something, RP your injuries. Yes you can be more secured when you got your seatbelt on, but that is still not an excuse that you are completly fine.

As for the picture stated above. If you have got anything on you that you can CARRY (weapons, money, phones, devices, etc) you have it ON you, which means that he did had the gun on him, it was his own fault that he didn't hide the colt.45 in his car, so Alex should have found the gun if he properly used /me's.


New Member
At this point a cop had actually gotten me, and I had 16 colts on me, 2 sawn-offs, 1 sniper, 2 silenced, 50+ ammopacks, grenades, so I couldn't RP all that lol, Larson was selecting which gun he could RP me having, which I didn't want to allow so I said to him, no lmao, because at that time, this alt was going to be legal, but not anymore :)

New alt for that,


MTA:RP Forum Legend
Love it how you make threads and push people to post their thoughts, you could however just come to a LSPD/SPD HC (OOC) and explain your story, instead of trying to get a flame thread.

You're saying that they don't RP crashes in a chase.

Correct i know about that, and i don't support it at all.. But have you ever been/seen a chase? The suspect is ramming almost everything and he's not RP'ing it eather.

Also if it's a small crash you don't get time to RP it since the suspect is just driving away ofcourse.

For that screenshot, i only see him asking if he'd have a gun. ( Idk if he searched or not)

I support you "reporting" those things, but report it on the ticket center so i can actually handle it (LSPD)

(Or just contact: Richard Whirlen, Riccardo Whirlen or any other LSPD/SPD HC)


And don't think i'll not suspend/kick newbs out. I don't give a damn on how much cops we have, i only care if they're able to RP it properly or not.


Well, on my opinion, this is a good thread to start out with, when im arresting someone for an actual reason, they try and find a stupid shitty reason to Report Me, even though that i ask in OOC Chat, would i find this weapon (Colt 45, Desert Eagle) on you? but if you have a shotgun or an M4, it should be starpped on your back, or in a dufflebag, this is NOT MG to start out with, because, you are visibly armed when you have a Strapped M4/Shotgun/Rifle on you, or it would be in your car, a modified car that holds hidden weapons, but the player has to explain where, it is, and how it is hidden, a Colt 45/Desert Eagle is a one handed weapon, and it may be hard to find on the player's pants/bag/car/etc. All im saying is, we need to stop the MG guys (Talking to LSPD/SPD. Im one anyways :p) so let's just get this out of the way, and RP like we know how to fucking RP, and just STOP the MG/PG

-Thanks- Ms.Princess2/Police Officer II - LSPD - Bruce L. Hawkins


New Member
Stick, I did make this thread for a reason for people to post their thoughts and feelings, it's entirely their choice to post, if not at all; so don't think this is meant to flame because it isn't meant for that. Rather, this thread is to raise awareness of some powers cops get that indeed gives them power over other players, and in some cases is unfair. I actually have gone to a police headquarters and have spoken to a policeman, from which I obtained news which was disturbing in the least, and it explained a lot of the motives and actions taken by various police, with his permission I will post a few of those screenshots, and if possible ask similar questions from other police, because what I see of it, is that people are not prepared to have their characters die. Especially ones in power. It is ironic.

(I will post the chat, otherwise the space will be used up solely by images.)

Talking with a friendly police cadet who in three days has noticed things that are off putting about the LSPD.

Here is what he had to say:







Here are screenshots courtesy of Sirus, no doubt a questionable stance on some police who need to be reconsidered not only for their maturity, but their lack of roleplay and the example set for other players that may look up to cops for roleplaying advise etc.


This may include only some perspectives on this issue, and many opinions are welcome along the subject of this, but any rueful or any comments not deemed detrimental to this issue will be flagged for removal.

This issue is an issue that I feel needs to be addressed by the players and staff alike.



New Member
So true, there is high corruption in the police factions but it's up to you to take that "stance" because the server admins are tied up and sure you could say they're just being "lazy" but for the most part, they just need a break. Completely understandable. Using the ticket center to report corrupt police officers and other corrupt players in legal factions can be very helpful.
When using the ticket center keep in mind of the time this is happening, and all names! This will insure for the admin handling your ticket, when he looks into the logs he'll be able to find everything he needs. Also, screenshots of course - take billions of screenshots with the use of f12 I believe, and use those as well.

Most admins I meet are very against corruption, and if you believe an admin is being corrupt, the ticket center is fully capable of handling it since Overload will review each ticket then assign it to the APPROPRIATE admin. :)

And try to stay out of trouble so people don't wanna CK you ;p


New Member
I am trying my best to stay out of trouble Hazerd, but with all the different ways to have fun! It is very difficult. :) Thanks for the positive view, I don't want to come across as a whiny person on here, but I am not the only one who whinges at this stuff. So it's all mutual in this way.

I also understand and appreciate the admins work on this server, while most are very good at doing their duties a minority few need to, sort of step it up. Admins do a great job of maintaining the peace and operating the server and community.

Need more Christmas parties.
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MTA:RP Forum Legend
Idk if someone mentioned it already but i'm reading your posts etc. And before i forget it i'll already say: Even if the biggest retard of this server would buy LSPD/SPD or whatever HE needs to follow the rules, if thats not going to work out for him, we'll simply just kick his ass out of the faction.

The funny thing is, Hazard for example is yelling that they are corrupt.. They are NOT corrupt they just don't know what they're doing, most of them aren't even trained (blame the one who recruited them) thats the issue. I'd love to train them, but i'm not going to train 1 by 1 NO FUCKING WAY. Most of them got this annoying -6 or +6 GMT which doesn't make me able to sort it out. I do kick them out if i see them being a nubcake. But if no one is reporting to ME IG (Richard Whirlen, Riccardo Whirlen) then i can't take actions. I can't recon every single officer every minute. Thats why i need you people ;)

You can simply PM me, or send me a forum message. If it's IC you can bring it up OOC to me, since we don't have court etc. But if you want to RP it, you can also contact me IG!

I'm sure we can sort it out, but if no one reports..well yeah u know it'..

"Get proof, contact me & i'll throw my kicking shoe at them"


New Member
Yes richard i was maybe a little damayic and you're 100% correct.
I was meanig more of the point many things police will do that arent okay, tends of corruption.
If sam didn't go all rogue, I think it'd be nice to have him around because he really knew how to kick people into shape.
Surely and indoubtly you cant train each of them so can't put blame on the head of the faction, but to help find the bad juice and either have them (maybe) personally trained or what ever & or removed. & yeah, not each cop is corrupt or does things when cops say its corrupt and usually is just their job.


New Member
Sam, as in me? Being a rogue? Informant is better suited, but albeit. The report function does need to be used on police more often. Also, for both sides, if you run into a wall or anything, roleplay it; it's fun getting chased, and more-so when you roleplay it well. What there should be is a report section on forums for police so screenshots are able to come into play, this way players may be able to report players anonymously without risk of having their dislike towards them, OOC, handed to them IC; if such a thing were to happen.

The admins of the server do a good job, those that roleplay, and understand players concerns, of course show a thorough understanding of their duties and do it well, masterfully would be an understatement for some.

It is good to have support from people in this matter of issue, but there needs to be a spot on forums for reporting police; this should be in the suggestions forum, I will post this idea in there later, perhaps one for reporting Game-Masters too, and some admins. Players need to be able to vote for good, or not-so-good admins as actions take place to jeopardize the said administrator/GM's position.

Just a thought, will make absolute use of the report functionality and tell others to do the same, also to take billions of screenshots.

Seasons greetings


New Member
A different Sam in the LSPD and richard was like the co chief and sam was incharge of training, vast memories


MTA:RP Forum Legend
As i said like 1000000 times, if you got troubles with a officer from LSPD come to me.. Or another HC. If you have troubles with SPD you can contact one of them.. If you DO think "FUCK YOU RICHARD YOU'RE NOT DOING SHIT" then go to Daqaun, he's the head of factions review crap ;)


New Member
Alright, in comparison between the LSPD and the SPD, it does seem like the LSPD contains roleplayers who have a tendency to Powergame, NON-RP and the bulk of the issues that many players get annoyed at, not only due to the relentless arrests made through PG, but through the NON-RP tendencies. Ever since I have started helping a few police from SPD gain arrests, the police roleplay it well, showing off eccentric roleplay skills and coordination with other players, which I think gives incentive to other players to go along with it, to roleplay it correctly because they are given the chance, and often given fair trial while on the contrary, police from the LSPD seem to care about the number of arrests they make regardless of the crime, be it speeding, or just a mere insult.

These two departments show huge differences that makes one stick out a lot more than the other. The report function will be used and encouraged, also by talking with these new, or inexperienced roleplayer cops through /b, we may be able to scrape at the surface by teaching important roleplay skills, and by enforcing the rules and policies of this server. It's a win-win for all.


New Member
A great method aswell as bringing it up via these forums, is putting a full explanatory ticket on the ticket center if you have a player in mind who should not be in the police, he will be reviewed and dealt with, all tickets are taken very seriously, and we encourage them, but the thing we have to look out for is these people slipping through the cracks, so be sure to know, you can report them, on the ticket center it will be dealt with, with more than just a jail.

:) - Sirus.


MTA:RP Forum Legend
It doesn't matter how much they arrest, it's not like they got a record. And as i've said a 6+ times come to a HC instead of posting it here, i do understand and i'm not forcing you to not post it.. But if you have troubles with it, why don't you come to a HC then? I never heard you PM'ing me or trying to contact me.


New Member
I've talked to police in the police departments, mainly SPD because you have the option to call people in, but most attempts at trying to speak with members of LSPD go unanswered. When and if I have an issue in-game, Stick. Regarding this issue I shall send a PM to you.