
Politics roleplay


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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
-We can open the government faction that will make financial decision to the states and can improve things around,and elections made by specific time to choose the Mayor,Gov faction will only have professional admin,mostly RP+,Admins,and GMs.

More RP
More Legal RP
More realistic
More political RP
Improvment to the IG life

If any

Does it require scripting?
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[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented

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2012 *******
We had this before. I like the idea, but by having a mayor, we'll start the cat 'n mouse game again. In other words, kidnapping the mayor will become a main way to get money. By doing that, we'll just boost illegal rp. Although more people might become an officer, we'll just boost the so called ''cops and robbers community'' again.

I'm neutral on this. Although I like the RP coming along with a gov faction, it'll just give us more problems, i think.

This can actually work if we have a higher playerbase.


MTA:RP Forum Legend
Yas +1
Except, I rather not have it a faction, it'll be eaten alive by FRT since noone wants to RP Being a secretary/intern/S.S/janitor/other-positions-in-a-city-hall-building just keep it unofficial and perform charity works for budgeting for IC community events (as in BBQ's, fishing contests ect... Yes it sounds corny but its fun)


The player-base is too low at the moment to have a Government Faction.
This will be an option when we have more players - which is growing as I post this reply which is good! :)

Denied until further notice.