
'Slow down' signs

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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
-Since we're RPing in counties and speed limits randomly change when you come near village, I believe there should be 'slow down' signs like in real life. Those signs would be in front of every county, so people can slow down. Also, if possible, I suggest making a custom texture for that sign, since I believe there is no such sign in GTA:SA textures.

-Less speeding
-Less confused players

-None I could think of.

Does it require scripting?
[X] No, just mapped and new texture if possible.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
-Make a new texture, map the signs and ta-da.

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
-No more confused players.

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MTA:RP Forum Legend
is it me or do you not see speed limit? and isn't it that obvious that you need to slow down :D

He's talking about how the limit instantly changes

*Going 90 or abit under in a 90 zone near hex* *speed limit is instantly 60 now, as he goes by a cam*

Apart from that now

I could actually make a sign and map them, and have it scripted


2012 *******
He's talking about how the limit instantly changes

*Going 90 or abit under in a 90 zone near hex* *speed limit is instantly 60 now, as he goes by a cam*

Apart from that now

I could actually make a sign and map them, and have it scripted

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