
Stamina System


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New Suggestion/Idea

What does it affect?
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[ ] Only MTA:RP Staff (Administration Tools)
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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
That we could get a some sort new stamina system. The current one is really buggy, atleast for me. I always get level up to 1, and it after some hours it resets again.

-Possibility to train stamina.

If any

Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[ ] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ X ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
People would start running :)))))))

Additional information:


Server Supervisor
Staff member
Server Supervisor
As far as I know, its mostly there to cut down on nonRP sprinting all the time. It does serve its purpose. I think it can be left well enough alone.
Probably just needs debugging, the former developer has implemented a level up system and it does work sometimes. Only thing is that some people may non-rply get trained and it can be a little problem for PD and FD members who need a high stamina. I say also allow admins to set stamina for a situation such as PD and FD or people who have rply trained a lot (as almost NO ONE RP's getting tired, including some admins etc.)