
[SUGGESTION] Fire Buzzers


New Member
New Suggestion/Idea

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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
My suggestion is basically to make the fire buzzers in LSES work and they should actually be a real item. It may not be useful in any other situations but it does add the roleplay feel for LSES members. I may not be a scripter not a developer but I'm guessing it would be quite simple for scripters to do so as it's basically just streaming audios. More about my suggestions, the fire buzzers around LSFD should stream a ringing bell whenever an admin uses /randomfire or there are situations on fire.

It makes roleplaying a little better.

None so far.

Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[ ] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[x] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
I have been on LSES for 90% of my time in my entire journey of MTA:RP. I want LSES to improve on their little details which will make it perfect.

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
Well, it's much cooler isn't it?

Additional information:
Please do consider my suggestions because I'm trying my best to get LSES back up on their feet.


Staff member
Lead Administrator
Indeed, This has no Disadvantage and it would add more Roleplay.


MTA:RP Forum Legend
There's a firealarm sound file I'd like to see be added as a command for interiors too :)

It's already in the FTP, it's just not associated with anything as far as I can tell lol


Well it would be nice if it rang for like the EMS or FD hot-line and 911 calls of specifics of Car Crash or 10-50 or FD or EMS Needed or such.


Well it would be nice if it rang for like the EMS or FD hot-line and 911 calls of specifics of Car Crash or 10-50 or FD or EMS Needed or such.

This should be a new suggestion since the system is already created for other type of situations like the random fire and they can ring it manually by command as well. But sure, just make a new suggestion with all the situations where it should ring.