
Suggestion - Removal, or remaster of STOP signs.


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Make the 'STOP' signs breakable, or remove them. They're just dumb the way they stop you dead.

Better gameplay, realism. Also, many of them are in locations you would not have to stop IRL. Idk where y'all live but it's a rare sight to see a stop sign at more than a few junctions here, it's lights or nothing.

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less dead cops cuz they can't drive, less dead criminals cuz they can't drive either, happy modelsport.

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<b><span style="background:url(
+1 from Mint3d, he forum banned for being a naughty little Scots man.


When a car crashes into a stop sign in real life the car would get wrecked and the sign would just bend slightly. -1


<b><span style="background:url(
When a car crashes into a stop sign in real life the car would get wrecked and the sign would just bend slightly. -1

its a tiny stop sign, not a street pole besides they're not placed at every single junction IRL.


It's not thick metal, it'd just fall over.


MTA:RP Forum Legend
Stop signs don't easily fall over...

IRL when you crash into a stop sign, depending on the make/model of your vehicle, the speed and angle it can do various things to your vehicle and the sign it self. If you were to go fast enough to actually flaten a stop sign or remove it from the ground by crashing into it you'd either have to;

A: Be in a heavy duty vehicle, such as a pickup (Like a yosemite, or another strong vehicle)
B: The stop sign would be embedded on a dirt road.

Stop signs are usually placed in concrete. A sqaure shaped metal rod, slightly bigger then the pole or "spine" of the sign is embedded deep into the concrete, going about a meter or so in depth, then it is cased in concrete/cement. Onece the rod is in the cement, the spine of the sign is slipped into it, then bolted in place. Considering alot of people drive new "luxury" vehicles, made from fibre glass such, crashing or drifting into a stop sign over 90 would literally fuck up your car, depending on whether you hit from the front of back. If you were to flatten the sign, you'd cause damage to the under carriage of your vehicle, as the sign can shred your tires, or damage a sensitive piece under the car. I don't even agree with light poles being as flimsy and weak like they are IG, they're more strong then a stop sign. The light poles/lamp posts would be tanks when compared to a stop sign, considering they're made from think metal, and are more sturdy.

Here are a few images to prove my what I have said.




Now If you want "realistic" stop signs that can break... I'd say it'd be fair if you agree to RP major damage to your vehicle if you were to smack into a stop sign. The REAL reasaon this, from what I believe, and is my opinion is that people who complain about the unbreakable stop signs, are the people who fly out their windshield while drifting through intersections going 200 km/h :)



penny hardaway jr
Man that sign looks depressed as fuck.
On topic;
I like the idea but yes it is kinda unrealistic as they are extremely strong. But I would do what Jose said with making them breakable but have to RP major damages.


<strong><b><span style="color:#9E00BD;">$$$<b>
Man that sign looks depressed as fuck.
On topic;
I like the idea but yes it is kinda unrealistic as they are extremely strong. But I would do what Jose said with making them breakable but have to RP major damages.

But who's gonna RP that?

Regular players? nahhhhh


<b><span style="background:url(
But who's gonna RP that?

Regular players? nahhhhh

legit, you hit one of these signs while in an rp situation, you're fucked.

No matter what you role-play no one will hear you out, they'll say "oh well, if it doesn't break script wise it don't break at all, ck pls." legitimate autism right there.
You're basically saying I could squash the fuck out these bastards with a road train, so how about when I go smash the fuckers to pieces, will they get removed? No, probably not. Though you can RP placing them back up if you so feel like doing so. I noticed the fact that y'all also only talk about the fact that they don't break, I also mentioned the fact they are not on every damn junction you pass, whereas if you enter this server and approach the main role-play zones, you're met with these cancerous objects on every single junction.

are the people who fly out their windshield while drifting through intersections going 200 km/h

Not necessarily, I've learned to avoid the most part of these signs, however I've seen that police vehicles seem to hit these signs a lot and it's clearly not fair on them having to role-play to a major degree because they've flown out of their windshield, same with criminals (Not like they really RP it anyway, unless an admin is present but yeah.. trying to help lol), which again is an absolutely stupid script and could be looked at as an automated Power Game, really when you hit objects at high speed you should just lose HP, rather then a physical action happening as that is supposed to be role-played by the player, or determined by an administrator. If you don't understand what I mean by automated PG, basically something that wouldn't happen, or well, something that would be impossible without the person performing the action themselves, or in this case something that cannot be determined by a script.
For example the business fee's on entrance to clubs, when it automatically takes money from your person without your grant in doing so, that's power gaming although it's not fault of a player it's fault of a script.

They don't do anything for realism because the people that stopped at junctions before still stop at junctions, the ones that do not, still DO NOT stop at these signs linking back to what I said, these signs are not located upon every single junction in a state.. They're pointless and just more shit to render for no reason what so ever, I don't personally see why they were added in the first place.


<b><span style="background:url(
something to add to disadvantages, if the stop signs are breakable.


SAN would have to wear diamond armor from minecraft xdddd


MTA:RP Forum Legend
+1, remove stop signs and and add speed limits. On every stop sign is a BZR and that should indicate a vehicle to stop.


<i><b><span style="color:#0077FF;"t>Estonian<br />
We dont even have speedlimits. And i cant even see any speedcameras. Im only getting tickets lmao.


I eat children
The stop things are probably the single handed worst thing to happen to this server . There is around 1.3 billion of them in the server and they are stronger than the hulk . People that put these in need shot. Get rid of them .


<b><span style="background: url(
I dont see why they matter so much? If you crash into them then its your fault not the servers, learn how to drive. -1


MTA:RP Forum Legend
Stop signs were added because because the admin who use to own the race track in lv wanted a stop light to start his races (which only happened once a month) and didn't want the other stop lights being synced with his. Stop lights are synced so why don't we get those added back and enforce those icly instead of having everyone complaining about the signs , or pulling over new players who don't even know what bzrs are?


MTA:RP Forum Legend
When a car crashes into a stop sign in real life the car would get wrecked and the sign would just bend slightly. -1

Exactly, your car likely would be really fudged. Same with light poles, in fact I'll make them unbreakable since this suggestion gave me cancer.


MTA:RP Forum Legend
Stop signs were added because because the admin who use to own the race track in lv wanted a stop light to start his races (which only happened once a month) and didn't want the other stop lights being synced with his. Stop lights are synced so why don't we get those added back and enforce those icly instead of having everyone complaining about the signs , or pulling over new players who don't even know what bzrs are?

Why not both lol.


I eat children
Stop signs were added because because the admin who use to own the race track in lv wanted a stop light to start his races (which only happened once a month) and didn't want the other stop lights being synced with his. Stop lights are synced so why don't we get those added back and enforce those icly instead of having everyone complaining about the signs , or pulling over new players who don't even know what bzrs are?

Yes. This is acctually a good idea , I like the idea of having traffic lights . In the UK we have them everywhere . Now if they all work , yes! great! I think the traffic lights will look better and can be run down (for models sake) the traffic lights acctually will be great to be added


<b><span style="background: url(
Yea and few traffic lights will have cameras in, when you ran red light you'll get ticketed.