
Temporary Quit

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Well, I joined this server 2 months ago thinking this is a "Strict Roleplay" server that has higher standards and better administrators team than RootGaming but well... this server has it's pros and it's cons, I don't see it as better than rootgaming by much :/.

For the past month this server was nothing but a huge stress, people MGing (LaTorre's and Anderson's crime family and a head administrator Kalvin in specific) and Brocily was besides me during this period of time helping me, if it wasn't for him the rulebreakers would've went on and were to be justified, Kalvin justified their actions because their MGing were helping him ICly, stolen drugs & weapons worth alot.

the Game Master's team is terrible (Tyrik and a couple of other members are fine), two lead GMs do nothing do nothing but rant, bitch and have an attitude towards players, i'm good with the rest and for the Administrators team, the only good admins in the team are Stick(Le favorite), Brocily, Matthew, Mittell and Adam, the rest are identical to Rootgaming.

I'll be back once specific members from the GM & Administrators team leave the server, a quiz upon registration is required to avoid people who don't know how to RP and admins begin forcing the rules onto other players instead of just saying "Let it go".
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I have grown to bolster the same kind of feeling based on my experiences with the server as of late. One thing that differs from RootGaming is that people rightfully seem to respect me for who I am and for what I can get done. In RootGaming you'd have shit thrown your way if you actually got anything done in a proper manner, I've experienced this myself as a head administrator in the vG/rG admin team where I tried to finally make an aggressive push towards getting rid of the lurking server problems which had been there for so long; a disfunctional noob filter, the SPD faction not working out (and this faction was actually made for no other reason than to band all the properly RPing law enforcement members together, believe me, I was there when the faction was invented) and the list can be made so long. I wasn't allowed because the center of the problems were most of the admins themselves, but I put my cards on the table and explained that it's hit or lose. I ended up ragequitting (despite how much I hate that word) the admin team because of the majority of the peoples' management incompetence, which is still there. This is the short version of the story, it's still morning here on my end and I can't really strain myself enough to make my post more elaborate.

Anyhow, despite many of the same issues I've seen here so far, this is a much more fertile ground for improvement and fixes on the contrary to arrogance/pseudointellectual-rG. I've recently (about a day or two ago) sent one or more of the admins my own constructed admin guide to channel into the rest of the team in order to see improvement on the huge unprofessionalism and lack of management skills I've seen ever since I came here. If any admin saw what I wrote here just now and decided to take offense, remember that I don't sugar coat what I say, I forward what I think, but it doesn't mean the negative things I'm writing here can't be fixed, remember that.

You (Ocean) on the other hand seem like a straightforward guy, and I might aswell know you as an alias in for example vG/rG/whateverG on a sidenote. It's too early to give up, a process of improvement is something which might take a long time but is still fully possible if you got the right method (which I believe I have, based on other peoples' opinions about me).

I also fully agree to the fact that there should be a quiz or application form implemented in the server in order to filter the right players from the wrong ones, it's high time for that now. The noob-cuddling tactic functions for about a week or two once you start and run a server, something I told one of the admins last night aswell as another guy who has visited this server and been majorly disappointed, but after that particular week it's time to move on, get the cart out of your ass and start enforcing a proper RP standard if people are actually going to enjoy the gamemode as it has been invented to be. Far too often when I log in do I discover robocops (who seem to just have been picked randomly from the street) who just slam into your fender hauling ass 120 km/h (without sirens and strobes I might add) right down a small avenue and just sit there (while I myself RP the crash as being pretty fatally wounded) with nothing but a smiley in response ":D" "Lets void, hmk?". Seriously, you have to set these guys straight, admins. I can help you gaining the right kind of approach towards these issues if you want to (by giving advice and help you work out of the perspective of the admin guide I made you) but however it's done, it has to be done. Point finale. If you want to make this server any different than rG which I hope you are striving for, then it's time to cope with the issues their management has constantly, for over a year or more, failed to.

Also let me include a few segments of my admin guide on the subject of the Game Master-system and its related subjects:

Oh and by the way, I'm a fierce opposer to the Game-Master system many RP servers in SAMP feature, and which also servers like Valhalla Gaming MTA RP do nowadays. The Game Master system features a team of its own, much like the admin team, to solely focus on teaching and educating players with lacking skills about RP. This usually doesn't work out the slightest though, since the majority of these players to be taught barely even grasp English. RP is a simple enough concept and idea able to be understood even without a GM-team, only if you understand English (or whatever local language a server uses) and have a functioning brain. Only the specific terms such as Meta- and Powergaming, character development or In/Out of Character are examples of why it all may look like hieroglyphs while it in fact is a simple enough idea, a constitution with its not always too straightforward amendments. Only these terms, for instance, as well as other minor obstacles should be the difficulties, not anything bigger, to a normally gifted person. Why I oppose the GM-system is furthermore explained in the text below, drawn from one of my posts in a criticism thread against the said server (which got backed up by lots of people I might add):

" We can't change stuff since we have to replace people (a lot of higher ones) in the admin team, battle incompetence and promote the capacity to take a stand against this wave of noobs and the disfunctional GM team, for example.

I also believe, on a sidenote, that the GM team is a bad invention which practically can't be handled, even though being a good idea on paper. Only Sild (God rest his soul if there is an actual god) and the Tomate/Anumaz combination I can recall aichieved some degree of success in it all. This GM team has been shown over and over again not to work out. An easy comparison is to put the GM system beside communism. Both are fine theories but impossible in practice since man evidently can't handle either of those. "

A GM team, let alone thought of handling the function another management branch of the server, admins, already fill, also often only causes disruptions and difficulties in server management and organization, as this team is often let loose to act freely, GM teams often are comprised of regular players without capability for borderline adminship which game master mandates indeed are, and the list goes on, even to the point the name ´”GM team” rings unprofessional and stereotypically SAMP-ish in most peoples’ ears.

If you are going to teach people, refrain from using the GM team and let the lower ranking admins go do something else rather than harvest reports (which is also a pretty good way to measure how much they themselves grasp and how eligible they are for a possible future promotion). Admins are in full mandate to both teach people, and, if the person in question isn't listening or doesn't even care to improve his/her/its RP, able to be forceapped or in any other way kicked out/held from the general population of the server that knows what the gamemode RP is all about. The process shouldn't be prolonged, softened up and made complicated as it has been with the GM team. Remember that this is an RP server, not an RP schooling server, and people with the right capacity to learn should be offered lessons, not just about anyone who might not even pick up the clue after one hour of GM lessons.

To back up what it says above with a personal experience, I joined as someone with no clue at all on how to roleplay in circa autumn/fall 2009, in a vG which was still managed and handled the right way. I was just a clueless new player who ran around DMing, MGing/mixing, occasionally powergaming until people grew tired and started to report me. I was already so fond of the server features when I actually did get jailed and told of what exactly I hadn't grasped (instead of being left to my fate like I, as a new player would be in this server here), and I willingly followed along thinking that I could aswell learn what this whole ordeal is all about as the game mode RP seemed to appeal to me, but I just couldn't bother to read up on the principles of roleplay myself (it was so small in meaning to me back then) and had to be taught instead. I can tell that if I had been cuddled by a game master instead of having been dealt with right on with a proper, serious admin I would surely not have the roleplay standards and be the kind of dude with admin experience most people know me as today. My five cents, ladies and gents.

Well met anyhow, and good morning.

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