
The Bratva

The Panda

New Member

Group Background
Headed by Yuri Komarov this Organisation is located in San Andreas and Las Venturas area. The members work for Yuri Komarov. (Read background on Yuri) After a year of hard time this organisation through the generosity of its volunteers and friends has risen from a small building ran out of Yuri’s house to a $300,000 factory to be used for any purposes seen fit my the leaders. Unexpectedly the safe holding almost every penny was stolen. Although this unfortunate happening occurred the willpower and hearts of those who gave all to secured only raged more. This hit was hard on every single member including those who barely helped the organisation. Every member felt obliged to help the cause of Yuri. Within a month of doing dead end job like Yuri had before. Although the budget was decreased almost 10 fold the group pushed on. Needing vehicles the members payed for a Huntley out of pocket. This car was used for item transport and carries. As there operation was in the suburbs this was invaluable. Finally they got a break. an anonymous donor gave the group a sum of money in which they used o get yet another vehicle. It was a Uranus. Although it may seem junky it almost doubles the money income in half the time. Although they started out slow things have progressed and now they are a semi-successful group of thugs in one of the hardest places in the world … San Andreas.

Pakhan -Elite Group Leader
Yuri Komarov

Sovietnik (Advisor)

Obshchak (Money)

Brigade A
Brigadier (Leader)

Brigadier (Leader)

Boyevik (Warrior)

Brigade B
Brigadier (Leader)

Brigadier (Leader)

Boyevik (Warrior)

Kryshas (enforcers)

Torpedoes (Assasins)

Byki (Guards)

Shestyorka (Recruit)

Do not start fights with other groups for no reason.
If you want to leave us you will be hunted down.
Respect your superiors.
Do not contact other group without permission before hand with a Brigadier.
Only wear you ranks bandanna.
Do not ask for ranks.
If you run the gas out of the vehicle ill it up.
Repair the car if you damage it.
Do not provoke the police.
Do not enter restricted areas to your rank.
Weapons should only be used for authorized purposes or self defence.
Do not run up to us and ask to join instead do it threw IC matters.
Do not break NLR during any fight.
Basic Guideline Rules of the server.
Do not troll or purposely provoke the police.
Be respectful OOC.
Weapons should only be used for authorized purposes or self defence.*

*Pictures will be posted later.
*Most all ranks are hidden to preserve role-play.
*If you are Faction Review Team ask for a list here.
*Do not use any information IC here that you do not know IC.​
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The Panda

New Member

Yuri Komarov's Background
Yuri Komarov was born in the streets of modern Russian. He has father whose work was sketchy. His father produced and sold firearms to unreputable sources. What is father did as no mystery to Yuri and instead of denying his fathers connection he instead cherished them. His father wanting to teach his son showed him the basics of firearms and other things. As most people of this age his dream was to move to America so after working to earn money and take a citizenship test Yuri was allowed entrance to America. After moving the America at age Twenty-five Yuri Komarov had a great start to his new life. Having learn simple chemistry of drugs the most of the production of weapons as was his father's profession. He soon took these to heart as a small child. When he arrived in America making friends was not hard at all. He met A friend tyrone who helped him get of his ass and start earning his own. He soon made a living off the grunge work of a trucker and mechanic as his background provided. During those jobs he met his new friend named Elijah Omar. He and Elijah did everything together. Soon having racked up a sum of 1.5 million Yuri headed to the street to earn his living. He knew the dangers of the street living on the streets of Russia. He put his knowledge of drugs and guns to use. He bought a factory in order to run his operations and is getting together a team of his pals and gangsters to protect and advance his business. Yuri has a heavy russian accent and knows more russian than english. Yuri is now trying to find vendors of illegal weapon parts and drug materials. Yuri’s personality is untrusting to outsiders, but a deep loyalty to his brothers or friends.​

The Panda

New Member
Attempting to start distribution and manufacturing of illegal pharmaceuticals. Hope this role-play will expand our contacts and make us quite a few earnings...

The Panda

New Member
We have thought of a front idea for our organisation. Al thought I won't release it it rhymes with Ripper stubs.