
Vehicle names for mta models


Lead Administrator
Staff member
Lead Administrator
New Suggestion/Idea

What does it affect?
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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
-Well, basically some mta vehicles will have the names of real vehicles, and must also be compared to the real vehicle (Speed, handling, braking). We'll need a team dedicated on setting those vehicle's performance as realistic as possible.

-More realistic
-More roleplay
-More players probably too ;)

Well it will require some scripting, so... I believe that might flop this project

Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[ ] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[x ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
-Well, I don't know... I'll have more things to roleplay about in game ^w^

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
-More RP

Additional information:
-That's it ^w^