
Trying to get LSPD Back


Common ello you can't put some one as Chief wile is on sale? until some one get the interest to buy it? and just destitute the Chief?


New Member
I would lead it myself but I still hardly understand how law enforcement works on this server in particular. It's more of a setback from what I'm used to because of the commands and how MTA works, etc. plus classes. But I think that the faction should be open even if not paid for. It's kinda saying that if SAPD shuts down, then what? I just believe in the need for a CITY police force, SAPD is SAPD, they patrol anywhere and everywhere, but patrol in Los Santos most often because well, thats where the activity is. I would go over to SAPD myself, but ontop of classes, working to get a job and what not, I probably can't manage.

Good luck in getting it back if you can!


If you have the money, you can lead it and i can help you, you already know me. Mis couse is kind of hard for me top get the money.